Wednesday 4 January 2012

Bring in 2012!

 This is how 2012 is going to pan out! Read and take heed my friend.

Glimpse of a glitzy me! (ASOS Dress, Marks and Spencer Necklace worn as bracelet) 

So what did 2011 mean for S...? It involved a regret, something I would never wish to admit, and something I believe in the future I will look back and appreciate, but right now...its a regret. 

It involved heart break. One should never blur the lines of friendship, and what can easily be taken as comfort and company can soon spark feelings and confusion and before you know it, you are one dear friend down. Now, I do hear that there are those lucky few who fall in love with a friend and enter the purest and deepest of relations, not S.

It involved family. 

It involved beautiful holidays.

It involved re connections with lost loved ones. 

What will 2012 bring? Its the not knowing that I love! What weirdos can I spark a conversations with? What country can I run away too? Here is to finding out! As long as I keep doing what I love. 

S x

Listening too: James Vincent McMorrow : If I had a Boat

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